Engine Valve Grinding

side engine view

Get Dependable Flywheel Grinding Services with Us

Over time, the position of the wheel affects the surface composition of the flywheel. This happens since the flywheel is between the vehicle’s crankshaft and its clutch plate. Due to this positioning, the flywheel has a close proximity to the engine, which exposes it to high temperatures. These higher temperatures over time causes heat stresses, which then created small cracks in the surface of the wheel. Wear and tear will begin to be noticeable eventually and when the clutch touches the wheels, it may start to wear down. How you will know is that the flywheel itself becomes very smooth and can even become scratched. And eventually there is the development of hot spots that can warp the surface. All of this contributes to flywheel issues and need repair.

That brings us to flywheel griding, which is the process of resurfacing the wheel by grinding it down to make it even again. Any small cracks or scratches or warping can lead to troubled use of the flywheel. Our flywheel grinding services will get the job done in a professional manner.

man holding wrench working on engine

FAQs for Engine Valve Grinding

What is a Valve Grind?

The valves in an engine offer several key functions. First, the valves must allow for the intake of fuel and air. Then, they need to seal the engine. As engine combustion takes place, the exhaust valve also needs to burn gases to leave the combustion chamber. The valve grind is a crucial element for proper functioning valves and seals. A valve grind is the process of smoothening out the engine valves, so they are able to seal in the valve seat in the cylinder head in order to completely seal the engine’s combustion chamber.

What Does a Valve Grind Consist Of?

Here are the common steps of a valve grind.

  1. The removal of the valves from the engine.
  2. Preparation of cleaning the valves.
  3. Removal of carbon deposits from the valve. This is a delicate process, because we do not want to scratch or damage the valve face.
  4. We grind down the valve in order to create an even, consistent pattern around the valve face.
  5. Reinstallation of the valve into the cylinder head. We lap it in with valve grinding paste.
man working on engine repair

More Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Us Today If You Are Experiencing Troubles

When Do You Need a Valve Grind?

Over time, the valves on your vehicle degrade and need repair. Due to the constant movement and engine heat, these valves warp and scratch. This is more prevalent in older vehicles, since the advancements in valve metal technologies has aided this issue in modern vehicles. But if there is a problem with the valve, the valve seat, or valve tappet, then the cylinder head might need to be removed in order to fit a new intake or exhaust valve. When this happens, the valve will need to be grinded.

When we provide our grinding services, it gives us the chance to look at any other issues you may be experiencing with your engine, including inspecting the cylinder heads and engine block. Any cracks or leaks in these areas can lead to oil leaking out of your car.

What Are The Symptoms of Valve Damage?

Here are some signs that you may have valve damage.

  • Increased fuel consumption.
  • Exhaust smoke turning white.
  • The engine is running a little more roughly.
  • There is a lack of usual engine power.
  • You hear a chuffing noise from the engine exhaust pipe.

Having proper engine repair can extend the life of your vehicle. Our flywheel services and other engine services aim to keep your car or boat running smoothly for years to come. Get the best services on Long Island when you turn to Thomas Auto!

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